User | Post |
8:54 am March 20, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Me, from the blog Money Reasons is hosting the Yakezie Carnival this week!
Submit your article by clicking here on the Yakezie Submission Form link!
Thanks for hosting this week, me (lol)
Interested in "Hosting" or curious who is scheduled to host for the current week?
Click this link: "Yakezie Carnival Hosting Schedule" to see the next available Yakezie Carnival week that is open, along with the current generous (and clever, since hosting has it benefits) bloggers that are signed up to host the currently assigned Yakezie Carnivals! (In a future version, I'm going to enable the site so that you can sign up directly via the previous link, but for now, if you want to sign up to host a week, contact me Don by emailing "MoneyReasons < a t > gmail <d o t> com" via the form…). Hopefully I'll have the site link working where you can sign up to host a carnival at soon, effectively bypassing this awkward "sign up to host by emailing me" process that I created :)
2:51 pm March 20, 2012
| TacklingOurDebt
| | |
| Member | posts 121 | 
Thanks for hosting this week! As Jefferson asked under last week's carnival thread, what is the cut-off date for submissions? I have wondered this as well. Thanks!
1:36 am March 21, 2012
| Van Beek
| | Bangkok, Thailand | |
| Member | posts 227 | 
Submitted. Looking forward to it.
5:44 am March 21, 2012
| GoodCentsSavings
| | Wilmington, NC | |
| Member | posts 24 | |
Submitted a post – thanks!!
6:44 am March 21, 2012
| Ted Jenkin @ YourSmartMoneyMoves
| | Gen X & Y Finance | |
| Member | posts 212 | 
Thanks for hosting – just submitted an article!
9:20 am March 21, 2012
| The Happy Homeowner
| | |
| Member | posts 123 | 
Just submitted and excited b/c this one falls on my birthday 
9:02 am March 22, 2012
| Mark D. Cook
| | East Sparta, Ohio | |
| Member | posts 87 | 
Submitted! Thanks for hosting!!
9:20 am March 22, 2012
| The College Investor
| | San Diego, CA | |
| Admin
| posts 1935 | 
6:57 pm March 22, 2012
| Shilpan
| | |
| Member | posts 126 | 
Just submitted. Thanks for hosting.
11:50 pm March 22, 2012
| Karunesh
| | |
| New Member | posts 2 | 
Submitted now, is it too late?
6:28 am March 23, 2012
| Kraig @ Young, Cheap Living
| | |
| Member | posts 17 | 
I've submitted mine. Thank you!
8:36 pm March 23, 2012
| Earth and Money
| | Toronto | |
| Member | posts 35 | 
Submitted, thanks for hosting!! 
8:30 am March 24, 2012
| Smart Wealth
| | Michigan | |
| Member | posts 304 | 
9:36 am March 24, 2012
| femmefrugality
| | |
| Member | posts 105 | 
Submitted…maybe too late, but thanks for hosting either way!
12:13 pm March 24, 2012
| Parenting and Money
| | |
| Member | posts 27 | 
Submitted mine. I'm new to blog carnivals so I hope I did it correctly. Thanks!
12:27 pm March 25, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
TacklingOurDebt said:
Thanks for hosting this week! As Jefferson asked under last week's carnival thread, what is the cut-off date for submissions? I have wondered this as well. Thanks!
I think 2 days before the carnivals it to go live is the most common. I've recently enhanced the code to put a specific time range to though, instead of 2 days, so its really carnival specific.
If you are curious though, when you submit your article, look at the bottom to see who the host is, then click on the Carnival schedule button to see when that blogger is hosting it. This will be modified soon to include that date of the carnival on the submit page. That way you know which carnival host and date your submission (if the host includes it) is being sent to.
12:28 pm March 25, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
YourSmartMoneyMoves said:
Thanks for hosting – just submitted an article!
Excellent, wise move :)
12:30 pm March 25, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Karunesh said:
Submitted now, is it too late?
No, the time was good, but you forgot to include your article URL. Please follow the prompts. Try again, filling out all of the textboxes.
12:33 pm March 25, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Parenting and Money said:
Submitted mine. I'm new to blog carnivals so I hope I did it correctly. Thanks!
Sorry, your post went to the next host. You can see which host it's going to at the bottom of the submit page, then by clicking on the schedule to see what that host is hosting… Soon, I'm going to incorporate the carnival date on that submit page too, just so everybody knows.
8:44 pm March 28, 2012
| Money Reasons
| | |
| Admin
| posts 697 | 
Mark D. Cook said:
Submitted! Thanks for hosting!!
Glad to do so, it's a great mechanism for bloggers, both hosting and posting!