User | Post |
3:30 pm February 11, 2013
| ayoungpro
| | Lehi, UT | |
| Member | posts 184 | 
I am trying to come up with some goals for my new blog and I'm not quite sure what is realistic. So far the only goal I have for sure is to post 2 or more times each week. I would like to make a goal that I will spend an hour each day networking with other bloggers (commenting here, reading and commenting on other blogs) as well. Can anyone help me with a realistic goal for page views on a new blog or suggest any other good goals for a new blog? Thanks!
3:50 pm February 11, 2013
| Pauline
| | |
| Member | posts 274 | 
goals for what you put in are reasonable, but expecting much traffic from the start really depends on how much your work on the blog. I would do the writing/networking goals for a month, then look at traffic and try to set a traffic goal for the next month. From the first month I started networking seriously to the second, I had page views x5 and unique visitors x7.
Now January compared to December:
Pageviews x1.72
Unique visitors x1.57.
3:56 pm February 11, 2013
| ayoungpro
| | Lehi, UT | |
| Member | posts 184 | 
Thanks Pauline! It is good to see that networking pays off. Best of luck to you and thanks for the suggestions.
3:54 am February 12, 2013
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
Those are good goals. Continue to use the Yakezie as part of your networking platform. It will certainly help.
5:14 pm February 14, 2013
| CashRebel
| | Chicago | |
| Member | posts 23 | |
What's the best way to get involved with Yakezie users? Just post questions and poke around the forum?
8:12 am February 16, 2013
| 20s Finances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1147 | 
@ayoungro, there are a number of goals that you could set as a new blogger, here are a few examples:
-Reach 200,000 or less with alexa (it doesn't mean that much, but it's a concrete number that will force you to interact with other bloggers)
-Reach 5k pageviews in one month by the 6 month mark. I know it's possible to get more by this point, but this is a great target (IMHO)
You can also set goals for twitter/facebook/etc as they will be great sources of traffic.
@cashrebel, yes, that's exactly it. You can also comment on their blogs, engage in twitter conversations. The options are endless. The best approach is to build genuine friendships over time, like you would in any other situation.
9:55 am February 16, 2013
| ayoungpro
| | Lehi, UT | |
| Member | posts 184 | 
Thanks Corey, I will definitely add those to my list of goals!
5:52 am February 20, 2013
| finetunefinances
| | |
| Member | posts 33 | 
Yeah that's awesome, keep up with the goals and they will come true!!
4:21 pm May 14, 2013
| Martin
| | Colorado | |
| Member | posts 45 | 
Good tips. Thanks for the advice. My pageviews are at 3,542 (surprised, I thought it was around 1700).
As far as commenting and interacting with other bloggers how do you do it? Do you use any readers or via facebook or how you keep up with your little network? I was thinking to use Netvibes to have all RSS together, but I didn't like it much or also thru Facebook, but it is not satisfactory for me either and browsing thru x-amount of websites everyday to comment and interact is becoming a tedious work and my wife is getting mad at me that I sit behind the computer the every evening and even night. Visiting other websites, commenting, posting 2 – 3 posts a week, visiting other networks interact via social networks – I feel burned out sometimes.
What am I doing wrong?
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