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6:48 pm January 18, 2015
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
So folks, a personal finance question. In 2015 what's your plan for investing? Is there any change from previous year? What did work from last year which you want to continue? Now asking about about a specific stock or a fund but in general..
This year being a new home owner I want to use most of my savings to prepay principal as much as I can. I am no reducing 401(k) and IRA contribution though. Just the additional savings and blog income will go in to the mortgage.
8:00 am January 19, 2015
| krantcents
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| Member | posts 909 |
No change for 2015! I will continue to contribute (max) to my 403b and look for opportunities in biotech stocks.
7:46 pm January 21, 2015
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
Post edited 7:47 pm – January 21, 2015 by OneCentAtatime
Biotech is a booming sector for last 10 years. But there's no big fish out there so it's a bit risky except investing in a broad index fund. Did you invest in biotech index fund?
Need to do some more research on biotech ETFs I have no exposure in this sector
7:23 am January 22, 2015
| krantcents
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| Member | posts 909 |
I have used index funds, however my current investments are in individual stocks.
11:27 am January 24, 2015
| Barbara Friedberg
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| Member
| posts 1302 |
I have to contribute to this thread! As always, keeping my investing simple with a diverse portfolio of index funds – in line with my risk comfort. Included are stock funds-U.S. and International and I prefer individual bonds to funds. Additionally I contribute the max each year to US Goverment I bonds (in case inflation ever returns???).
And now for the shameless self promotion-Please buy my latest investing book: Now on sale for $.99 to get an excellent plan for investing. It is based upon current research in investing, is simple to grasp and as usual, I'm available for followup questions.
Invest and Beat the Pros-Create and Manage a Successful Investment Portfolio
And for anyone willing to do an Amazon review-I'd be happy to send a free pdf copy.
8:39 am January 28, 2015
| misfitmoney
| | Dallas, TX | |
| Member | posts 11 |
Barbara Friedberg said:
I have to contribute to this thread! As always, keeping my investing simple with a diverse portfolio of index funds – in line with my risk comfort. Included are stock funds-U.S. and International and I prefer individual bonds to funds. Additionally I contribute the max each year to US Goverment I bonds (in case inflation ever returns???).
And now for the shameless self promotion-Please buy my latest investing book: Now on sale for $.99 to get an excellent plan for investing. It is based upon current research in investing, is simple to grasp and as usual, I'm available for followup questions.
Invest and Beat the Pros-Create and Manage a Successful Investment Portfolio
And for anyone willing to do an Amazon review-I'd be happy to send a free pdf copy.
I truly believe that "where should I invest" is one of the most loaded questions you can ask. As individuals the word "invest" naturally creates stock market connotation in most peoples mind. Yet there are dozens of ways to invest your money, the number one way of which is in yourself and your own ideas.
With that being said, two major areas where I am putting my money are Cyber Security and Energy. Cyber security funds are seeing an unprecedented growth, and it will only be getting worse over the next 10 years as we become more dependent on technology. Natural Gas probably seems odd, but I have been in the power business for quite some time, and there is no question oil prices will be higher in the coming years. I lived in Saudi for over 4 years and I can tell you that the Saudi's are fine with pushing people out of the market (shale companies, small producing OPEC nations), but they know what they are doing when it comes to oil. They realize that naturally pushing supply out of the market with a steady demand will create a rise in prices likely never seen before. The question is now just when.
8:20 pm January 28, 2015
| OneCentAtatime
| | Florida, USA | |
| Member
| posts 1778 |
And misfitmoney, if you know that oil will come back, why then shale and small OPEC countries be shutting their shops?
7:13 am January 29, 2015
| misfitmoney
| | Dallas, TX | |
| Member | posts 11 |
Well one is a result of the other. The shale companies and smaller OPEC nations cannot withstand the lower oil prices, so they are being driven into bankruptcy. Most oil companies can produce oil for $30-35 a barrel, BUT, have large debt coverage ratios, so they can't afford to pay their debt. Oil is not going to come roaring back in the next 10 days, but in the next couple years once they companies are forced into bankruptcy, the supply levels will fall and oil prices will naturally trend upward. In fact, my consulting firm was just hired by a large private equity firm to specifically go and find distressed oil companies ($100-300M) who can't service their debt so they can buy them at .50 on the dollar. The problem with this is that most banks and equity firms realize that if and when these companies do indeed go into bankruptcy that they will have to take control of the assets. That is where companies like ours come into play because if that happens then we can manage the assets until they are once again profit generating so they can sell them back to the market.
It is quite a crazy business.
3:19 pm February 24, 2015
| Moneysma
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| Member | posts 165 |
No change for me either. Just keep putting more money into the index funds I currently own. The money I put in will be spread around between my 401k, Roth IRA and taxable accounts.