User | Post |
8:53 pm January 12, 2011
| Eugene Craig III
| | |
| Member | posts 117 | 
I know we have a goal to make 100k in advertising income for the network, but I had an idea why provide affiliate marketing opportunities to our members. We all produce products, ebooks , and services. We shouldn't have to look any further than right here for affiliates. I know I am a newbie still, but I think this fits with the principle of self-less promotion of others. I hope this catches on! I would love to promote some of your products to me readers. Let's never forget a rising tide raises all ships! Hope this catches on!- Gene
7:11 am January 13, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Hey Gene, that is a great idea. I know that several people who have new products coming out have asked about affiliates in the forums. Also, one or two people have actually offered discounts to Yakezie members. But I don't think there has been a mass movement in that area. Maybe we can try to organize a central repository of products from all full members.
I also think it would be great if we had a list of products and services for which other members are affiliates. I know that a few of us – who may or may not have our own products – are affiliates for Scribe, Thesis, Amazon, TurboTax, etc. If I want to purchase Thesis for instance, I should look for a Yakezie member who is an affiliate rather than just going to the page to buy it on my own.
What do you think?
9:04 am January 13, 2011
| Eugene Craig III
| | |
| Member | posts 117 | 
I love your idea, and yes I think everyone should be organized(maybe like have sam send out a mass email message or something.) I also like your idea about how some people give yakeizie members discounts. I would love to see what products everyone has in store for the network,
9:34 am January 13, 2011
| Suba @ Wealth Informatics
| | |
| Moderator
| posts 1876 | 
Gene, that is a great idea to support each other and bring in some money too.
(Off topic : How do I see the posts in your site? I can only see the quote of the day. I have been checking for the last few weeks but I think I might be looking at the wrong place?)
9:49 am January 13, 2011
| Eugene Craig III
| | |
| Member | posts 117 | 
I haven't really posted over the last couple weeks as I was working on the new ebook I just released, but i made sure that I had the QOTD. It's my readers favorite thing about the site, and has been the work horse behind the growth of stoopid success, but you all will see regular post from stoopid Success starting monday. I have post in the scheduled for the next 10 days after monday. So stay on the look out. What do you guys think about starting another thread where people could post their product and what kinda deals they are offering on the affiliate marketing side of things?
9:41 pm January 13, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
| | |
| Member
| posts 1682 | 
8:31 am January 14, 2011
| JamesFowlkes
| | |
| Member | posts 58 | 
Post edited 8:32 am – January 14, 2011 by JamesFowlkes
This is actually a very good idea. Like KNS mentioned why buy Thesis from the site when you can help a Yakezie member earn passive income. I don't mind setting something up. One page for Yakezie affiliates with links back to our profiles here maybe and then also a 2nd page of "Resources" which includes Yakezie member products. Let's give Sam and the Yakezie admin here a chance to answer first because I don't want to step on any toes. If it's alright with them, I will setup a site for this purpose.
11:14 am January 14, 2011
| Invest It Wisely
| | |
| Member
| posts 2019 | 
This would be a good resource for sure, though gotta be careful it doesn't violate any TOS.
6:34 pm January 14, 2011
| Buy Like Buffett
| | |
| Member
| posts 1682 | 
That's true. Did anyone ask?
9:26 pm January 14, 2011
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Invest It Wisely said:
This would be a good resource for sure, though gotta be careful it doesn't violate any TOS.
I didn't even think of that. I guess we have to be careful if this actually pans out.
10:22 am January 15, 2011
| JamesFowlkes
| | |
| Member | posts 58 | 
Sam or one of the mods will respond here at some point I'm sure. Till then I'll wait and see…
9:21 pm January 15, 2011
| Forest Parks
| | Cairo, Egypt | |
| Admin
| posts 1337 | 
Hi James, I forwarded the post to Sam to respond when he gets a moment.
9:31 pm January 15, 2011
| Financial Samurai
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
This is a good idea, and something in the works. If someone wants to lead the charge, they are welcome to do so as we are always looking for leaders in the group.
The Yakezie Affiliate Page is a no brainer where we can list all Yakezie Member products with a bio, and affiliate link for a reader on to buy and earn money for both the creator of the product and
On the Yakezie Affiliate Page, we can also include a submission from for other interesting products out there which readers might find useful too.
Will pass on the message to Chris.
Thanks for highlighting Forest.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
10:35 am April 3, 2011
| Andi B.
| | PDX | |
| Member | posts 272 | 
I know this is an old post but would this be open only to Yakezie members, or could challengers add their products to the affiliate page as well?
Andi B.
Make the life you want.
Enjoy good food.
Enjoy good friends.
10:55 am June 14, 2011
| LaTisha @YoungFinances
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1715 | 
How is this coming along? Even though I am a challenger I think it should be open to members only or once you reach a certain 'belt level'. There are so many challengers that drop or never become active and I would hate for this to be exploited. I would be willing to go around to all of the member and challenger pages and round up the products available.
7:58 am June 15, 2011
| MoneyIsTheRoot
| | |
| Member
| posts 1456 | 
I know with much of affiliate marketing that it violates TOS to click on your own links, even if you do plan on using the service. However, it seems unlikely that it should matter if we click on each others, its not like these are Adsense links.
I think it's a great idea…I know someone brought this up a couple months back and it didn't really go anywhere. I have used a couple of the Yakezie members sites for products I have bought in the past, why not support each other first.
6:38 pm June 15, 2011
| Hunter @financiallyc
| | Virginia Beach | |
| Member | posts 707 | 
Justin – I agree. Business is all about relationshups, and unless specifically forbidden (Ad Sens) it makes sense to support the network. We all benefit. Even the advertisers win as they have access to a pool of new potential customers.
Maybe we need a Yakezie Market page, where we can showcase the advertisers that support the network?