User | Post |
8:35 am August 29, 2010
| Financial Samurai
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
If you are currently a Yakezie Challenger, here's a place where you can get to know other new Challengers by stating when you joined the Challenge, your current Alexa ranking, a little bit about yourself, and your goals!
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
7:16 pm August 29, 2010
| Paul Williams – Provident Planning
| | Nottingham, PA | |
| Member | posts 43 | 
Hi, everyone!
I joined the Yakezie challenge on August 17, 2010 and my Alexa rank at that time was 225,269. I'm already up to 197,876 after 12 days, and my 1 month average is up to 158,537. I'm hoping to break 100,000 by the end of my six months in the challenge.
I write about personal finance from a Christian perspective on Provident Planning. This website also serves as a link into a brochure type site for my financial planning and tax prep business. I studied financial planning at Virginia Tech, and I'll officially be a CFP (Certified Financial Planner) this November once all the paperwork's been processed.
I'm looking forward to working with all of you and growing alongside you!
9:57 pm August 29, 2010
| Financial Samurai
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Go Hokies! Good stuff with getting your CFP this November! I'd love to learn about the process of becoming a CFP. Maybe you can write a post here or on my site!
I really would like to get my CFP one day after I retire from my day job.
Cheers, Sam
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
8:51 am August 30, 2010
| Paul Williams – Provident Planning
| | Nottingham, PA | |
| Member | posts 43 | 
I'd be happy to write a post about becoming a CFP, Sam! Either here or on your site would be fine with me – whichever you prefer. Give me a date and I'll get it ready for you.
10:16 am August 30, 2010
| Jason@LiveRealNow
| | |
| Member | posts 727 | 
I joined the Yakezie on July 16th, 2010. I was at 533,108 in Alexa. I am currently at 302,067. My daily rank is 186,244, so I'm certainly on track. The last two weeks have shown more improvement than the month before that.
I write about my entirely un-unique circumstance of being buried in debt, how I'm fixing that, and how I'm improving the rest of my life. Living in the real world doesn't have to be depressing. :)
10:26 am August 30, 2010
| Paul Williams – Provident Planning
| | Nottingham, PA | |
| Member | posts 43 | 
Welcome, Jason! I'm looking forward to working with you once our challenge is complete.
I think anyone writing about how they're getting out of debt is good. So many people are drowning in debt and you can help guide them out by sharing your own experiences. I know you're probably not glad you got into debt, but it does give you insight into what its like and the work it takes to get out again.
11:07 am August 30, 2010
| Forest Parks
| | Cairo, Egypt | |
| Admin
| posts 1337 | 
12:03 pm August 30, 2010
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
Hello all,
I installed the Alexa toolbar on July 20th, and my ranking was 1,704,000. I officially joined the challenge on July 26th with a ranking of 828,363. As of today it is 205,459 and my 1-month ranking is 98,583 (so hopefully I will be under 200k soon).
I don't include aspects of my personal life in my writing as much as most other bloggers. I actually didn't know what a blog was until early this year. I recently started a small business to do tax preparation and financial advising. I have another fulltime job, and I am not yet certified, so things are moving slowly. I started the website in order to give people information about personal finance and economics from a biblical prospective.
I've started to embrace the idea of "blogging" and not just posting informational articles.
I can't wait to become more involved in Yakezie.
12:36 pm August 30, 2010
| Paul Williams – Provident Planning
| | Nottingham, PA | |
| Member | posts 43 | 
Welcome, Khaleef! I've already interacted with you some, but I'm glad to know you're a part of the Yakezie challenge, too. It looks like you've really jumped up in your Alexa ranking, and I'm seeing you around more online. Good luck with your business! Do you mind me asking what your other job is?
1:56 pm August 30, 2010
| Forest Parks
| | Cairo, Egypt | |
| Admin
| posts 1337 | 
Welcome Khaleef. Been a pleasure to have your comments on my blog and you are doing a great job on yours.
2:24 pm August 30, 2010
| Jon DeGroff
| | Charleston, WV | |
| Member | posts 3 | 
Hello fellow challenge members!
I joined the Yakezie Network on June 13, 2010. At the time, my Alexa ranking was an embarrassing 21,935,709. Today, it's a "not quite as embarrassing" 541,131. I'm making some progress, and enjoying the things that I'm reading and learning from the other members here.
At "Musings of a Financial Professional," I mainly blog about my thoughts about finance and success. I speak with people every day regarding their risk management planning as well as their investments/retirement planning, and I feel like there needs to be much more information out there about personal finance for the general public.
That's what I enjoy about the Yakezie Network-I really feel like we're out here to do some good, not just to make a few bucks.
I look forward to getting to know all of you better!
5:13 pm August 30, 2010
| Khaleef @ KNS Financial
| | Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet | |
| Member
| posts 3149 | 
@ Paul, I was glad to see you join – I've enjoyed your writing since I first discovered your site.
My "real" job is a Business Specialist (pretty much a project accountant) for Rutgers University. So, I'm not using my economics degree much at all, and neither am I becoming exposed to the world of financial planning (so it's all about the money for now).
@ Forest, thank you for the kind words. I can say the same about you!
@ Glad to meet you – I hope to become familiar with your writing through Yakezie.
@ Jon, wow that is some major progress! It's a pleasure to meet you!
6:01 pm August 30, 2010
| Paul Williams – Provident Planning
| | Nottingham, PA | |
| Member | posts 43 | 
@Jon: Have you considered moving off Blogspot? That might help some with traffic. You could at least get your own domain name and set it up to point to that address. It would only cost about $7-11/year for that. It'll make your website appear a little more professional at least in my personal opinion. Also, not sure on this since I'm an independent RIA, but would Northwestern require a disclaimer on your site that specifically lists who you work for? I know other professionals who have blogs and they have to disclose who their employer is. Don't you hate trying to keep up with all the compliance stuff? I know I do!
@Khaleef: Thanks!
@Forest: I meant to tell you thank you for the welcome earlier. I've enjoyed your comments around the web, and I'm just subscribed to your site now. Your writing looks interesting!
7:21 pm August 30, 2010
| Simple Financial Lifestyle
| | |
| Member | posts 22 | 
Post edited 7:22 pm – August 30, 2010 by B Simple
I joined the Yakezie on August 16th, 2010. My Alexa ranking at that time was 761,131. My rating is currently 559,732. So I am making progress but still have a long way to go.
I write about helping indivduals simplify their personal finances by automating them and having the right mindset. I believe if you can simplify your finance you can live a healthier and wealthier lifestyle.
7:34 pm August 30, 2010
| Jaime
| | |
| Member | posts 48 | 
Hey guys! I joined the first Yakezie Challenge back in March. My site Eventual Millionaire went from over 3 million down to 140,000 at the end of the challenge. It was a ton of fun.
I recently started a new blog called Lifestyle Moms, and I'm looking to enter it in the second Yakezie challenge. I just set it up a few weeks ago and it started with a rank of 9 million. It's at 971,000 right now so we'll see if I can beat my other blog. :)
A warm hello to the other new members!
9:13 pm August 30, 2010
| Jon DeGroff
| | Charleston, WV | |
| Member | posts 3 | 
@KHS- Thanks! Appreciate it, and great to meet you as well!
@Paul-Wow, you found out who I worked for awful quick! I don't mention the name of my company ever within my blog, so thus far I've been able to avoid any compliance nightmares. I know that eventually it will bite me, though, and at that point I'll have to change some things. But you're right-it's a pain!
And yes, I have considered a move to WordPress. I'm actually in the process right now of completely revamping the blog, which will include a move to WP. It's all in the planning stages right now, but I will have a new domain (right now I do use, though), and a new title actually, and have a slightly different focus. Right now is more about readership, though-which is what I love about Yakezie.
@BSimple-love your stuff! Great to see you here as well as follow you on Twitter!
@Jamie-that's awesome! Keep up the great work!
9:22 pm August 30, 2010
| Paul Williams – Provident Planning
| | Nottingham, PA | |
| Member | posts 43 | 
@Jon: Well, it was pretty easy. It comes up when you Google your name – along with your website. I think compliance might find you sometime too so it'd be better to do what you need to now rather than get in trouble (or just a nasty phone call). I think moving to WP is good, but I was just referring to the domain name you have on blogspot. I think you can host on blogspot but use your own domain name instead – at least I know you can on It sounds like you're on your way to getting all that set up though. Good luck!
@BSimple and Jaime: Welcome!
9:32 pm August 30, 2010
| Jon DeGroff
| | Charleston, WV | |
| Member | posts 3 | 
Yeah, I don't try to hide it-I just try to do a good job not specifically mentioning them on my blog. I don't know whether I should go to blogging "anonymously" or what-but I do know that I don't want to have to submit everything I post to compliance. That would just be a pain, and it would limit me just blogging about random "musings" I think.
Any advice for that? Do you submit everything up?
7:12 am August 31, 2010
| Paul Williams – Provident Planning
| | Nottingham, PA | |
| Member | posts 43 | 
@Jon: Well, I'm an independent RIA and I work for myself. So the only compliance department is me. I just make sure I'm not violating any of the rules about testimonials, investment performance, guarantees, etc. I'm not strict on myself with post topics and such. But I do know that compliance departments can be a little overzealous in their efforts to stay in compliance. You might try asking Jeff Rose or Doug Armey what they do (both have blogs and work under BDs – I think with LPL Financial).
You could try the anonymous route, but that might spell trouble if you're ever found out. I'm sure compliance wouldn't be too happy about it! ;)
7:48 am August 31, 2010
| Mike – Saving Money Today
| | |
| Member | posts 520 | 
Welcome everyone…the Yakezie has done wonders for my blog and it will do the same for you if you stay the course. Good luck!