Humans are not solitary beings; we live in communities and social groups and seek relationships with other humans. In order for our communities and relationships to exist peacefully and function effectively, we need to be able to consider other people and their needs. We are inescapably linked to each other and to the world outside of ourselves. Choosing to live a life that benefits the greater good, needs to be a conscious decision.
How we live our lives is really a matter of choice. We individually make thousands of choices every day and each of those choices, whether conscious or subconscious, impacts our life. These choices also impact the lives of those around us. The benefits of living in a way that considers the greater good are two-fold; we benefit personally by way of a healthier, happier life and the community we live in also benefits.
The greater good can be defined as that which is best for a whole community or group of people. This group might be a family, a workplace, a local community, country or the whole planet. In the words of J.K.Rowlings, “we touch other people’s lives simply by existing.” When living in a way that benefits the greater good, we make sure that this impact is in a positive way.
Here are some simple tips for helping you choose to live to benefit the greater good:
- Balance – while some people sacrifice their own needs in order to help others, it is healthier to keep a balance in your life. Thinking only of other people, at the expense of yourself, can lead to you becoming bitter. Make sure that you maintain a balance between your own needs and those of the group. It isn’t healthy to sacrifice your own ideals for someone else’s on a permanent basis. Don’t give so much of yourself to others that you have nothing left for yourself. I learned this lesson the hard way. It has only been in recent years that I have been able to find this balance.
- What is good for the group is often the best for you – sometimes we don’t know what the best course of action is, but decide to go along with a decision for the greater good. We usually come to realize that what was best for everyone is also best for us, as an individual. Be prepared to accept that what is best for all is often also best for the individual. A decision for the greater good involves the perspective of other people, which may be different to your own perspective.
- Selfish is a lonely place to be – living a solitary life, based on what is best just for yourself, can isolate you and cause loneliness. Stubbornly adhering to what you want for yourself, at the expense of others, can lead to isolation. Make choices based on what is best for the majority to lead a happier, more fulfilling life.
- What goes around, comes around – many people believe that what you give is what you get and there are so many examples of this being true. To get kindness, you need to be kind; to get assistance, you need to be helpful; to get support, you need to be supportive.
- Live a fulfilling life – when you live in such a way that it benefits the greater good, you will find that life seems to have a better quality and is more fulfilling. Being a useful member of society gives you pride in yourself and boosts your self-esteem and confidence. This then carries over into all other parts of your life as well. Just think of this network; think of how much you have gotten in return from taking time to help others.
Use these tips to help you make decisions that will help you live a life that benefits the greater good. By doing so you will find that you benefit in numerous ways.
So, how do you help the greater good? Anybody you know online or offline who stands out when it comes to living for the greater good?
Being selfish really is a lonely place to be. It’s a sign of insecurity really. Selfish people are afraid that if they help others, they own position worsens. Sad.
Sadly I have met a few in my life that fit this description. I feel bad for them because if they only opened their hearts, I truly feel they would be much happier people.
This community has certainly taught me to be more selfless, in blogging, and in life! I enjoy helping others and being there for friends. In my earlier 20s, I was more closed off–I was isolating myself from society.
Yes, the Yakezie community has taught all of us many things, including how to be better people. We owe that inspiration to Sam who gave us all a nudge in the right direction when he designed this network.
As people we constantly grow and develop and becoming more selfless is part of that.
Selflessness is probably the best way to help others. When you actively look for ways to help someone, you set off a chain reaction where they may also look for ways to help others.
That would be the hope. It’s like pay it forward. Can you imagine what life would be like if this actually happened?! Amazing!
Its kind of like the movie.. Pay It Forward. You selflessly help someone and they go and do the same and they do the same and on and on and on. Its a chain reaction, started by us making a difference.
Exactly. Wouldn’t it be great to live in a world like that?
Thanks for the reminder Miss T. It’s so easy to get caught up in this world and rush through each day without truly being part of the community.
I know. I have been guilty of this myself and we all slip up sometimes. The important thing to remember is to be aware of it and try to help others as you can. Put yourself second when you can.
Miss T., this is sound advice. This rings true is so many places in our lives. Great work!! Community is not only a good thing, but a necessity.
Yes community is essential. We all need to belong somewhere and it’s those relationships that we have that make us feel like we do belong. Giving back to those around us help us keep and start new relationships.
Community is so essential – we often forget that in bigger cities. I recently visited my aunt in rural Montana, and they really foster a sense of community. Everyone knows each other and helps each other. Every single family in the town is supported by others and depends on others – either for food, shelter, medicine, or other things. It is very different, but it reminds you of how important community is.
I think living like that would be awesome but like you mentioned in bigger cities it is harder. We participate in a CSA which helps this. I am also part of this network which allows me to help others. I think regardless of how big the city we live in we can always find ways to reach out and make a difference.
Great post. I think people have gotten more and more isolated over time, and that’s not a good thing. This is a great reminder that those around you are an important part of life, so enjoy life and enjoy those around you!
Totally agree. The pace of life and people’s ability to keep up has gotten in the way of making time for others sometimes. I think we all could use a priority reset and make the people around us higher on the list.
Sometimes it’s important to remember to welcome people into your “community”. Being welcoming and supportive to new comers is what sets you apart. It shows your graciousness and kindness and can do a lot for the newbie. I’ve felt very welcome here at Yakezie, more so than in any other forum. Thanks!
Glad to hear you have felt welcome. That means we are doing our job well. I agree with you about opening your arms to new people. It can be as simple as walking up to a new family that moved in on the street and introducing yourself and making them feel welcome.
As a teacher, I try to model the traits and behavir I would like my students to follow. I try to do what is right even if it is more difficult.
Glad to hear you are teaching your students to do good despite it being hard sometimes. Doing the right thing isn’t always easy and the earlier in life we learn this better off we are.
Superb reminder…. with excellent examples. I put my family first (almost) all of the time, and automate our charitable giving and try to help others whenever possible, yet I’m always feeling as if I’m not doing enough for others. I liked this post!
Glad you enjoyed the post Barb. I am like you. I always try to put my family first and consider them in any decision that I make. I too have those feelings of thinking I am not doing enough but enough is all relative. Doing enough is doing our best and if we are doing our best than we are doing enough. We all have different circumstances and we will all be able to do different things which is fine. What matters is that we are doing something.
What an appropriate post for the Yakezie Lifestyle Miss T! Being part of a community means you have a responsibility to help those in need. Imagine what this world would be like if we could spread the Yakezie Effect globally! Thanks for reminding us Miss T.
If this world could have the Yakezie effect that would be utterly amazing. It would be a dream come true.
Howdy Miss T! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. The message kinda reminds me of putting on one’s own oxygen mask first before helping others. In other words, if we all make sure we’re at least OK, we could very well provide for a better environment and society and help others out even more!
Good point Sam. We aren’t much good to others if we are not good ourselves. This is something I forget sometimes. I usually get too focused on helping others and I need to actually look after myself sometimes. Thanks for the great reminder.
Moving post Miss T and great reminder. Today’s techonology brings us together, but also keeps us apart. You can’t talk to people anymore because they are using their smartphone or listening to their digital music. I also connected with your Balance section. In the past, I put everyone above myself. I practically had nothing left. Finally got things to a happy medium. Thanks again!
I have been there too Buck. I have burnt myself out many times trying too look after everyone else. Sometimes we need to step back and look after ourselves or we end up not being good for anyone.
You are right about technology too. It is as much a tool as a burden. However in the context of blogging and Yakezie I think it has broadened my ability to help others.
Great post, Miss T. I don’t believe that we, as individuals, “owe” anything to society or to the “group” by virtue of our existence (to put it short, I believe in a voluntary social order except when one deliberately wants to hurt others; those people should be stopped), but I do believe that following your tenets makes a lot of sense simply because we’ll all be better off if we do that. I do believe that planting good seeds and giving them some TLC will lead to reaping good results later on.
You are right I guess. We don’t technically owe anyone. However if we live a life where we put others first we will much happier. We all have the power to plant seeds of kindness.
It feels so good to help others. That’s one of the main reasons I like to blog. I like sharing my own stories and experiences to help other people learn from both my failures and successes. I also like to donate to a few charities throughout the year. There’s a lot of love and selfless support in the Yakezie Network!
I agree with you, the Yakezie is a fine example of what the world we live in should be like. I wish our motto could catch on like wildfire. I am glad to hear you have found ways to do your part and pay it forward.