“If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you” -Mary Pickford. I have been presented with a question. Do I believe in second chances? I expected a conditioned response from a lot of people. Some people might agree that there is an extent to which second chances are given. Some mistakes people make are small. Lying to someone for the sake of sensitivity can be a small mistake. Mistakes can also be a serious matter. For example, lying to a person of authority can be a big mistake. Murdering someone is a very serious mistake. Second chances are building blocks in life. If people did not make mistakes, there would be no need for second chances. Murderers on the other hand, do not deserve these chances. They chose to commit their crime. They willingly took the life of another person. I believe that is unforgivable.

In some situations, I believe people deserve second chances. If people do not give others second chances, they have not forgiven them completely. Some people do not know how to react with their first mistake. It also depends on the nature of the act. An example would be a robbery that ends in murder. In this case, most people do not deserve a second chance. I do not believe robbery should result in a murder. There are other ways to make money and live happily. Money does not buy happiness. Robbery is bad way to gain happiness. I believe less trivial matters should be given a chance. It helps the other person with forgiveness. Second chances are all about being a bigger person. Second chances are about letting go of things that have been done to you.

In the past, I was presented with a second chance. It was in regards to a decision about my father. Before he passed, I was given the opportunity to speak to him over the phone. He was in a coma, and I was told that talking to him would be beneficial. I rejected the option because I did not know what to say to him. I was emotionally unstable. I was feeling too many emotions to say anything to him. A few days later, I was informed that he passed. The news of his passing affected me drastically. I still think about him and the opportunity I passed up. I still regret not talking to him before he passed. I let my emotions stop me from telling my dad how I felt. I never told him how much I love him. I never said goodbye. I wish that I could have told him how I felt before he left me.

Everyday people are faced with opportunities. Some people may not make a good first impression. In some cases, second chances are given here. Whenever I am given opportunities to voice my opinion, I always think of the opportunity I passed up. I feel that this experience has opened my eyes to opportunities that are taken for granted by other people. Life is short. Some people choose to ignore their chances because they feel that they can get another chance. Nothing in life is ever guaranteed. I think that people should take that into consideration. People are bound to make mistakes, but making a mistake without regard is selfish. People assume that they will always have a second chance to make things better. In some cases this is true, but in other cases, it is not. I have come to appreciate opportunities that I am given. I realize that they will not be there forever. My appreciation for second chances has been applied in every situation that I have been presented. I also try to inform others of the opportunities that they have as well. It is very important to advise others of the lessons you have learned throughout your life. Many people can benefit from the knowledge of your past experiences. We are presented with second chances every day of our lives. I try my very best to inform others about the second chances that we receive. I also try my best to inform my family members as well. Without second chances, most of us would not be where we are today