Welcome Yakezie Epsilon Challengers! Thumbnail

Dear Yakezie Epsilon Challengers,

Has it been over 6 months already?  Yes it has!  Congrats for almost making it through the Yakezie Challenge where you’ve each strived to develop great blogs and new friendships in our online community.  There’s only one thing left, and that is signing up and making sure we know who you are.

The Yakezie Challenge is open to all who desire to be a part of a collaborative community of bloggers. Once you are a Member, you will be listed on the official Yakezie Blog Network page and gain exclusive access to various Yakezie initiatives.  Our mission is to help our readers, help each other, support educational efforts through our Yakezie Writing Contest, and have a fantastic time in the process!


The Yakezie Network is a very tight-knit community based on trust and community service. We are all friends, and we only want those who are truly dedicated to their blogs and to the community over the long-term to join.  We have a “no asshole, no drama” policy because life is seriously too short to deal with unproductive things.  If you need more time to get to know Members and other Challengers, please feel free to take the time and join the next class if necessary.  Don’t worry, we plan to be around for a long time!

Please note that not everybody who enters the Challenge will be accepted into the Yakezie Network. Each applicant will be reviewed and decided on by the Yakezie Membership Committee, whose members are not disclosed.  Furthermore, there cannot be any black marks against you by a Member.  If so, the issue needs to be worked out before you can join.

By submitting a form, you verify everything you input and write is true on your honor.  After your application has been reviewed and accepted, we will organize each new Member by the date you entered the Challenge and upgrade your account so you can upload your Member post and switch to a Member Badge.

Once a Member you will gain access to the private forums, be able to contribute other member posts on Yakezie.com to help promote your own site and share your knowledge to authoritative bloggers and readers everywhere, and participate in any Yakezie leadership roles you desire.

The Yakezie is what you make of it.  Some have managed to leverage the network to triple their blog traffic.  Others have managed to gain a tremendous amount of side income after they lost their jobs to keep things going.  Meanwhile, some have even managed to leverage the Network to quit their jobs!

One of the key reasons for creating the Yakezie is so ensure people don’t fall through their cracks with their online endeavors.  If a Member needs help, the community will rally around and support.  I’m glad to see this goal coming true, and look forward to the new Members adding further value to the Network.  I’m convinced that blogging will change your life for the better!


All Epsilon Class Challengers should sign up by August 13, 2012.  Make sure you make sure your fellow classmates are aware so as not to miss the window.  The Yakezie Membership Committee will review all applications by September 15, 2012.  Challengers will be informed of their acceptance, and invited to upload their Member Posts.  Once uploaded, save as pending, and the editorial staff will review and schedule in the order of when you first entered the Challenge. We highly recommend you read all Yakezie Member Posts first so you can really get to know everyone in the Network.

The Yakezie Zeta Class window is open and anybody can join the Challenge up to September 15, 2012.  To join, please read the original post that started the Yakezie Network and follow the instructions at the bottom.

Please note that there are no exceptions to the 6-month minimum Challenge time frame.  The cut off entry date was February 15, 2012.  The 6-month Challenge should be considered the minimum amount of time rather than the maximum.  Family is for life after all!

Please set aside about 30 minutes of your time to fill out the form below.  Remember to scroll to the bottom of the form as it gets cut off in the post and click “SUBMIT“!

The application is thorough in order to make sure we have the most deserving members in the community.  All information is private.  Thanks everyone!

The Yakezie Membership Committee