Hey there! My name is Michelle and I blog at Making Sense of Cents.

Before last summer, I NEVER saw or imagined myself blogging. I never put more than a second of thought into it. However, starting last summer, I became a habitual blog lurker. I would read blogs, but never leave comments or let anyone even know that I was alive.

I started my blog in August of 2011, and the rest is history. I became addicted after the first week. In the first week, I was going on vacation to San Juan, and I still checked my blog every second, even though it was brand new. I was completely obsessed…

When I first heard of Yakezie, I was extremely confused. I just scrolled past it and didn’t pay attention to it. Then a couple of months later, I came back to it and I’ve been loving it since.

I love reading about personal finance, but I also love reading about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, travel and everything else. My blog is a mix of everything, but a lot of it is related to money. I pride myself on the fact that a lot of my readers are fashion and beauty bloggers. A lot of them e-mail me daily and tell me that they’ve never read a blog like mine, because all they read are the same clothing and makeup blogs.

Why I Blog

I created my blog for many reasons. I had a lot (and still do) going on with my family.  My dad passed away when I was 18 (a little over 4 years ago), if you want to read about that, click here. I grew up in a situation where someone in my family stole everything my dad had, and opened credit cards in his name. He was too nice and never pressed charges.

This is what made me interested in personal finance. I didn’t want the same thing to happen to me that happened to him. He had to deal with everything like this his whole life.

Also, I blog anonymously. This is for many reasons such as what I said above. I talk a lot about my money situation and that I vent about my family. However, if you look around, you will possibly find pictures of me :) Since I blog anonymously, I feel like I can share everything and not hold back.

Background on me

I’m 23. I have two undergraduate degrees, B.A. in Management and a B.S. in Business. I also just received my Finance MBA in August of 2012. I have worked full-time since I was 16, and worked full-time all throughout my degrees. I was able to land a great job/career right after graduating with my undergraduate degrees, and I still hold that job today.

I do believe that determination is the key to success. I kept thinking about the end goal the entire time I was in school. And I was able to get my undergraduate degrees in less than 3 years, and my MBA in around 1 year.

I have made many friends through Yakezie and my blog, and I truly do love it. The community is great and has introduced me to so much. Without the help from everyone involved with Yakezie and everyone else that I’ve met, I don’t think my blog would be anywhere near where it is today.

Over the next several weeks we will be highlighting the Yakezie Epsilon Member Posts. If you’re interested in partaking in the Yakezie Challenge you can find more information here.