How Cool Were You In School? Thumbnail

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being a total nerd, and 10 being you pranced around on water, how cool were you?  I’d venture to guess most people will say they were a 6 or 7 out of modesty or delusion.  Heck, I think I was a 6.2 on the coolness scale in high school too!

It’s so funny looking back at those high school years.  Very few knew for sure exactly what they wanted to do and many of us just wanted to fit in.  It’s funny how much youthful angst pervaded the halls.  Some had low self-esteem, while others were full of confidence and could do no wrong.

In good old fashion Dear Diary time, I reflect on those good old days and hopefully you’ll share some stories too.


* Was the captain of the tennis team my junior and senior year and played varsity all four years.

* Started a “Mens Club” with 60 members as a joke, which became real. We basically made a lot of noise, did a lot of stupid stuff, and chanted our theme in the halls.  The Mens Club was the opposite of the National Organization of Women’s (NOW) club.  Our acronym was MOM (Men of M….)

* Ran track for two years and raced in the 100m, 200m, and 400m.  Was able to hang tight with our football running backs.

* Rode a motor bike senior year with no license.

* Suspended for punching a friend in the face because he pushed me over while I was tying my shoe.

* Skipped school probably 3-4 times a year to mess around with my buddies.

* Managed to get three girls to call me their boyfriend and broke up with all of course.

* Started sitting in the back of the class, until I found out that sitting in the middle of the class made me more invisible.  Had trouble staying awake because of too much tennis practice and studying after school.

* Understood what happy faces on little square tabs of paper meant and how much a sheet cost.

* I can shot gun a beer in  2 seconds and was a top tier quarters player.

* Always traveled overseas during the summer thanks to friends I made abroad who invited me to stay.  Summer time abroad is nuts!


* Rode a bike or walked to school every year until my senior year because I was too poor to buy my own.  My parents finally bought me a $2,000 hatchback junker with a discolored door.  Hence, I decided to buy this sweet motorbike as an addition.

* Ate in the library often because I liked to study, was paranoid of not doing well, and I loved books.  Felt out of place in the cafeteria sometimes.

* Liked to BBS and developed massive points to download as much “warez” that I wanted.

* Loved computers and knew how to build my own 486 with TDFX graphics cards of course.

* Developed some enemies with punk kids who were considered really cool, but I didn’t respect them.  I’m not one to shy away from confrontation and will get in trouble sometimes.

* Won the AP History award for most outstanding history student.

* Got a partial scholarship academic scholarship in college.

* Punched my friend in the face leading to some wondering what’s wrong with me.

* Was too worried about injury to play cornerback in football even though the coach kept asking me every year.

* Couldn’t try out for baseball despite having a huge passion for the game because it coincided with tennis season.  There were no female groupies following the tennis guys.

* Never tried out for the basketball team, even though I practiced almost every single day.  Didn’t want to get cut, so didn’t try.

* Got rejected by a sophomore girl my junior year, which was sad.  But, maybe it was because I went out with her older sister for a little bit!  I thought love was blind?

* Lived in a very humble townhouse and never had much money at all.


So there you have it.  I was never the Prom King, and didn’t have massive house parties, but I felt I was cool enough to fit in.  I clearly remember so many of the cool kids making fun of others who did well in school.  They’d make fun of those who sat in the first two rows of class and who enjoyed the arts.  Shoot, I think I may have even said something to the annoying front row geeks who kept raising their hands too!

There’s a great quote that says, “Be nice to nerds, for you might be working for one some day.”  With the most uncool of people starting up enormous empires and running some of the biggest corporations in the world, there’s a lot of credibility to the saying!

As adults now, it’s funny to reminisce on how immature high school was.  There was absolutely no reason to be insecure about anything!  What mattered was not cocking things up so you could have options to do whatever you wanted after graduation!

How cool were you cool in school?  What would you give yourself 1-10?  Where are the cool kids now?  Are bloggers generally nerds?  Were you ever the mean bully?!

What were several of your cool and uncool things in high school?

