User | Post |
9:18 am November 20, 2012
| savingadvice
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| Member | posts 100 | 
seedebtrun said:
Very impressive output from you guys!…
I could maybe hit that total if I included all of the documentation and emails that I write in my day job :-)
But from blogging alone.. no chance.
But I admire those of you who can generate that amount of content!
OK, I'm calling you out (in the nicest way possible). The reason I'm doing so is because if someone had written that on my blog about not being able to get their finances in order, I would call them out too. You can do it (anyone can), but you have chosen not to. For whatever reason, you have decided it's not a priority — and that is fine as long as you haven't just dismissed it because it is a large number and would mean making an effort. There is a huge difference between simply dismissing something and going through an making a conscientious decision that you have higher priorities than this at the moment. And as part of calling you out, I would like to hear what those higher priorities are that make this impossible (just to keep you honest)
9:33 am November 20, 2012
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| Member | posts 407 | 
I hit 3,082 this past week. My goal is 3,500, so we'll see how this next week goes. Thanks for the motivation!
10:15 am November 20, 2012
| martin
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| Member | posts 199 | |
Post edited 10:22 am – November 20, 2012 by Financial Samurai
I'm enjoying this challenge.
I pumped out 1,750 words and a video http://www.startfreelancingnow…..iter-jobs/
Then 563 on a guest post Can You Please Stop Buying Drinks For Girls
To be fair though, it's not Thanksgiving here in Canada. Does that normally decrease your posting schedule drastically?
7:36 am November 23, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Post edited 7:56 am – November 23, 2012 by Financial Samurai
Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving!
Anybody else find it surprisingly soothing to have less commenters during the holidays so we can focus more? I'm kinda digging the silence. It's like being able to post whatever I want in peace!
Now is the time to experiment with frequency and style if you've been wondering!
Type on.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
1:10 pm November 23, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
| | |
| Member | posts 69 | |
I just posted my last week 2 post, so here are my results this week:
Gen Y Finance Journey
Should You Comapre Yourself to Others? 11/18/12 – 718 words
Blinded by Frugality 11/19/12 – 514 words
Why Everyone Needs an Emergency Fund 11/20/12 – 1,832 words
My Boyfriend Has Debt – Now What? 11/21/12 – 1,873 words
Beware the Office Break Room 11/23/12 – 412 words
Week 2 Total: 5,349
3:45 pm November 23, 2012
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Post edited 7:33 pm – November 23, 2012 by Edward Antrobus
This challenge must be rubbing off on me. I was a little freaked out because I got a guest post out too late and it didn't get published. 700+ words that I was counting on to meet the goal this week! My first draft of this post stated with certainty that I was going to be short because I needed 1100 words and I only had a short tutorial left to write. Well, that "short" tutorial came in at 1300 words!
If You Can Read, You Can Cook
Broccoli Quesadilla: Recipe Sunday – 11/18 – 385 words
How to Thaw a Turkey the Day Before Thanksgiving: Tips & Tricks – 11/21 – 562 words
subtotal: 947 words
Edward Antrobus
Is P2P Lending a Scam – 11/19 – 1045 words
The Pros & Cons of No-Contract Cell Phone Plans – 11/21 – 1186 words
To Shop or Not to Shop: My Thoughts on Black Friday – 11/23 – 705 words
subtotal: 2936 words
SEAM Publishing
How to Get Published on Kobo – 11/24 – 1342 words
Subtotal: 1342 words
Total for week ending 11/24: 5225 words.
Assuming I can keep the pace up on If You Can Read, You Can Cook and Edward Antrobus, next week should be over 6000 words, as I'm planning another tutorial for SEAM Publishing and I have at least one guest post getting published.
Financial Samurai said:
Anybody else find it surprisingly soothing to have less commenters during the holidays so we can focus more? I'm kinda digging the silence. It's like being able to post whatever I want in peace!
If You Can Read, You Can Cook has never had a lot of comments, nor did Entry Level Dilemma. This being the first year of Edward Antrobus, which does get comments, the taper off feels disconcerting!
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
12:04 pm November 24, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Post edited 1:29 pm – November 24, 2012 by Financial Samurai
Week Two 11/24 Goals:
* Experiment with posting everyday for 7 days and see if my regular readers can handle it
* Work with shorter length posts between 700-1,000 words
* Test out touchy subjects during the holidays
* Concentrate on one site
* Touch upon main issues in the news
* Experiment with Amazon
* Build a pipeline of posts for when SEO traffic boomerangs back post holidays
Financial Samurai
Never Go To A Car Dealer For Service, 11/18, 808 words
Bank With The Highest Interest Savings Rate, 11/19, 818 words
Booting Out Unlawful Tenants, 11/20, 1300 words
Are You For Or Against Labor Unions, 11/21, 791 words
Does A Large Sexual Discrimination Lawsuit Help Or Hurt Women?, 11/22, 978
Should I Get Roadside Assistance Coverage?, 11/23, 757
How To Get The Lowest Price Guarantee, 11/24, 799
Total Word Count: 6,251
* It feels surprisingly good to have less commenters, especially during more touchy subjects. Takes a lot of effort to moderate comments. Use the time responding to comments to write more posts.
* Holiday traffic is slow, which really emphasizes that a lot of surfing is done during work hours. A blogger's goal might therefore be to have the lowest unemployment rate possible so people can slack off at work!
* Burnout meter is rising. 7 a week is probably too much, but it makes 5 a week seem easy now.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
1:18 pm November 24, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
| | |
| Member | posts 69 | |
Whew, I just (mostly) finished transferring my blog from Blogger to Wordpress. That was a lot harder than writing 5,000 words/week for me. 
4:19 pm November 24, 2012
| Hank Coleman
| | North Carolina | |
| Member | posts 363 | 
I think that today's blog post is the longest that I have ever written with over 2,000 words. I just made it.
Money Q&A
Who Should Get A Christmas Tip?, 11/19, 605 words
Why Online Shopping Is Best for Christmas Shopping, 11/20, 640
How To Spend Wisely With Credit Cards This Christmas, 11/21, 1561
Core Personal Finance Philosophies And Investing Convictions, 11/24, 2224
Total Word Count: 5,030
4:35 pm November 24, 2012
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Hank Coleman said:
I think that today's blog post is the longest that I have ever written with over 2,000 words. I just made it.
That was me last week. I wrote my first ever 2000+ word post and just squeaked by with 5001 words. But you've made a great improvement over last week. Congratulations.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
11:32 pm November 24, 2012
| FI Fighter
| | |
| Member | posts 53 | 
This challenge is not easy… I sort of feel like I'm turning in a homework assignment, working up until the moment it is due. Just made it ;)
11/19: My Black Friday Shopping List (792 words)
11/20: Post-Financial Independence Career Options (935 words)
11/21: My Frugal Thanksgiving (737 words)
11/23: Real Estate Investing Terms for Beginners (1075 words)
11/24: Stock Analysis: Toronto-Dominion Bank (1506 words)
total: 5045 words
Props to everyone still attempting this. Keep at it, you are doing great!!
9:26 am November 25, 2012
| savingadvice
| | |
| Member | posts 100 | 
I actually fell a bit short of what I had hoped, but still above the 5000 word threshold and more than I would have
written if I wasn't doing this challenge. I've decided to start writing some guest posts for a site that wants short ones –
I'm finding that this takes a lot more time (for the number of words written)than longer posts. I'm thinking about trying
to also write at least one guest post on other blogs in the coming weeks.That would definitely be a habit I would like to
get into.
Week 2 11/18 – 11/24
"20 Ways To Help Your Favorite Nonprofit Organization For Free" 11/20/12 2551 words
"Why Did You Shop Black Friday?" 11/23/12 808 words
"Good Reasons To Buy A Timeshare" 11/20/12 580 words
"Temporary Graffiti Death Valley National Park" 11/21/12 350 words
"Hello Kitty Tipped Bullets" 11/18/12 233 words
"Credit Hustling" 11/23/12 444 words
"Test Drugs" 11/23/12 539 words
"No Spend Week" 11/24/12 608 words
"Ongoing No Spend Day" 11/24/12 715 words
Guest Posts
"Fee Free National Park Days for 2013 Announced" 11/18/12 283 words
"Thanksgiving Meal Costs Rise Slightly" 11/18/12 310 words
"Black Friday 2012 Shopping Strategies" 11/18/12 341 words
"Buy Nothing Day: The Anti Black Friday" 11/22/12 266 words
"Will Birth Control Pills Be Sold Like Condoms?" 11/24/12 402 words
Total Words Week Two: 8,430
9:47 am November 25, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Post edited 11:56 am – November 25, 2012 by Financial Samurai
Savingsadvice – Fascinating stuff. Do you own all these blogs like HelloKittyHell or are you a niche site freelance writer? Curious to know how you get 266 word guest posts accepted and on which sites. Could be an interesting strategy that I haven't considered. If I can find blogs that can accept 200-300 word guest posts, I'm going to take a look!
One of the goals of this challenge is to encourage bloggers to write meatier content on their main site to build authority and do better in search down the road. Hence, I'd like to get some insights as to why you're going thinner instead. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
Thx! Sam
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
11:12 am November 25, 2012
| savingadvice
| | |
| Member | posts 100 | 
Financial Samurai said:
Savingsadvice – Fascinating stuff. Do you own all these blogs like HelloKittyHell or are you a niche site freelance writer? Curious to know how you get 266 word guest posts accepted and on which sites. Could be an interesting strategy that I haven't considered. If I can find blogs that can accept 200-300 word guest posts, I'm going to take a look!
One of the goals of this challenge is to encourage bloggers to write meatier content on their main site to build authority and do better in search down the road. Hence, I'd like to get some insights as to why you're going thinner instead. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
Thx! Sam
I own all of these sites. One of the biggest challenges I have is that I have so many (probably too many) that keeping them up to date is a challenge. Some are blogs, but a lot of them are stand alone sites that I create from the content that I write on my regular blogs (rewritten) and then simply leave them as a niche site (that is what nospendday and strangewaystomakemoney will be) once they have 10 – 20 pages.
I don't think that I'm going thinner — a 2500 word post I would consider meaty ;) But I understand what you're saying. Some blogs to lend themselves to shorter posts — HelloKittyHell is definitely one of those. Then it's a question of meaty content on some sites and then none on others, or regular sized posts on all. I determine that by an estimate of what the post might be worth in the long run. For example, I could write some very long and detailed posts on NationalParksBlog and would love doing so, but that blog simply doesn't make much money (at least at the moment), so it wouldn't be a good use of my limited time.
So at the moment, I am trying to make sure that I get content on all of the blogs on a regular basis (at least once a week) and if I can get into the habit of writing more, I should be able to expand on them to make them meatier — baby steps. My goal currently is to produce at least one real meaty post a week and hopefully 2 on the main blog and then get up as much content as I can on the other sites I have — it would be very different if I was just doing content for one or two blogs, but since I am for dozens I have to think a bit differently.
12:00 pm November 25, 2012
| Financial Samurai
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| posts 1803 | 
SavingsAdvice – Sounds like a good plan. Let me start a new thread on niche sites as I'm fascinated with the topic after the Google EMD update.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
6:38 pm November 25, 2012
| Elle
| | Raleigh, NC | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
Checking in this 2nd week. This was a doozy for me!
Couple Money
- 11/18 Don't forget to Use Your Flexible Spending Accounts -> 502 words
- 11/19 Buying a New Digital Camera -> 1,320 words
- 11/23 Retire Sooner By Growing the Gap -> 1,735 words
- 11/25 Enjoying a Day at the NC Zoo -> 533 words
Total: 4,066
My Financial Reviews
- 11/21 Heart of the Carolina Food Drive -> 514 words
- 11/23 ING Direct's $125 Bonus ->404 words
Total: 918 words
Week 2 Total: 5,008 (just made it!)
I literally worked until tonight getting these posts done. Being accountable to everyone here on the forums gave me the push to get them finished.
With 5 guest posts that have to be written next week, I should reach my goal easily. Ironically when I write guest posts for TurboTax and others I'm sometimes inspired by the topics and then write in more detail for my sites.
9:27 pm November 25, 2012
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
I did a lot of writing this week, but I'm only going to count the published pieces..
11/23 proof right now is best time to make money 1382
11/20 start freelancing update 772
11/20 How freelancing brought me to texas 1,750
Other articles
11/20 Can You Please Stop Buying Drinks For Girls 563 @ financial uproar
11/22 Paying off student loans 638 @ gpt
11/22 Does your dream job have to pay well 694 @ tfb
11/22 Coping with failure 500 @experiglot
11/22 5 business ideas 556 @ wealth pilgrim
total word count= 6,685
I noticed that you need to jump on ideas as soon as they hit! There's no time to waste. I keep track of all of my random ideas on my cell phone.
My goal for the week is to pump out 5,000 words on Studenomics
4:34 am November 26, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 | 
Financial Samurai said:
* It feels surprisingly good to have less commenters, especially during more touchy subjects. Takes a lot of effort to moderate comments. Use the time responding to comments to write more posts.
* Holiday traffic is slow, which really emphasizes that a lot of surfing is done during work hours. A blogger's goal might therefore be to have the lowest unemployment rate possible so people can slack off at work!
* Burnout meter is rising. 7 a week is probably too much, but it makes 5 a week seem easy now.
7 posts per week, especially with such high length as you typically have, seems like it would get pretty old pretty fast. Remarkable job so far.
4:38 am November 26, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
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| Member
| posts 1466 | 
md said:
I noticed that you need to jump on ideas as soon as they hit! There's no time to waste. I keep track of all of my random ideas on my cell phone.
I've found this to be very true lately. I used to have a sheet of paper where I'd jot down ideas, and could go to it and find a topic that I wanted to write about when I was short an idea. Lately, though, I've found that if I get an idea and write about it the same day, the content is much more 'alive'. It's almost as if going through the 'sheet' gets me more going through the motions. So, timing is definitely key.
8:39 am November 26, 2012
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
MoneyBeagle said:
md said:
I noticed that you need to jump on ideas as soon as they hit! There's no time to waste. I keep track of all of my random ideas on my cell phone.
I've found this to be very true lately. I used to have a sheet of paper where I'd jot down ideas, and could go to it and find a topic that I wanted to write about when I was short an idea. Lately, though, I've found that if I get an idea and write about it the same day, the content is much more 'alive'. It's almost as if going through the 'sheet' gets me more going through the motions. So, timing is definitely key.
Haha. I had an idea hit yesterday that I knew I still needed to research, but I wound up writing over 200 words in the intro before I realized it.
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service