User | Post |
8:51 am December 9, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Right, gang, this is what we at The Money Principle have published last week:
How much would you pay for a bottle of wine? – 746
Principled money posts #28 (with a picture of Pablo Neruda's house in Santiago) – 1181
Osborne's Autumn Statement – 1020
Show me your number… – 1091
Total 4,038
Not bad considering the general speed of life at the moment (and travel for my day job).
Have fun next week
4:16 pm December 9, 2012
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
Week 4 results Dec 9/2012
Money management system @ Studenomics 1,316
Win the lottery @ SFN, 987
Original fitness guru @ SFN, 1060
Borrow money @ TFB, 778
Jobs with tips @ GPT, 595
High school courses @ Experiglot, 527
Total word count: 5,263
I passed the 5k mark, but am definitely not impressed. I spent most of the week planning and co-ordinating. The next stats should be more impressive as I have been scheduling guest posts. I also plan on published 5 articles on Studenomics.
The good news is that I'm going those juicy pieces out on SFN.
5:14 pm December 9, 2012
| savingadvice
| | |
| Member | posts 100 | 
Strange week for me with a lot of the unexpected happenings. It was good that I committed to this challenge as if I hadn't, I wouldn't have written 5000 words. Suffice to say that I am happy it's over and hopefully next week won't bring the same issues and surprises (don't we all have weeks like that?)
Week 4 12/02 – 12/8
"10 Places I Find Coupons In The Grocery Store $100 Giveaway" 12/3/12 1634 words
"12 Reasons I Walk And So Should You" 12/8/12 1772 words
"How To Instantly Save 50% On Your Grocery Bill $100 Giveaway" 12/3/12 655 words
"Ways To Save Money On Healthy Food Giveaway" 12/3/12 933 words
"Hello Kitty 3D Printer Vibrator" 12/5/12 264 words
Total Words Week Four: 5258
6:36 am December 10, 2012
| Elle
| | Raleigh, NC | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
Week 4
I did not make my goal by a long shot this week. I got a post up on my tablet that was to be published this weekend, but no wireless access. :( The next starbucks/panera hotspot I find, I'll put it up and update.
Couple Money
- Never Too Late – Catching Up on Retirement Contributions -> 622 words
- Net Worth Review: November 2012 -> 664 words
Total words =1286
With limited access during our trip, I'll focus on writing fewer, but longer posts.
8:30 am December 10, 2012
| TightFistedMiser
| | |
| Member | posts 361 | 
I signed up for the challenge and haven't come closing to making the 5,000 words a week. Since I am only working part-time the rest of the year I really have no excuse for not writing at least 5,000 words a week. Although I have failed at the challenge I will write at least 5,000 words a week for the rest of the year.
2:24 pm December 10, 2012
| | |
| Member | posts 407 | 
I'm a little behind here, but here's my numbers:
Week 3
Wednesday = 939
Friday = 615
Sunday = 754
Total = 2,308
Week 4
Monday = 743
Wednesday = 793
Friday = 582
Sunday = 807
Total = 2,925
Not quite hitting the 3,500 goal that I have set for myself. I need to do a little more mind mapping to flesh out the ideas I have started on, and I think I'll be able to bust out some 1,000+ word posts in the near future.
6:03 am December 15, 2012
| maria@moneyprinciple
| | Manchester, UK | |
| Member | posts 679 | 
Another week, another report. Here it is:
Last week (Sunday to Saturday) I wrote for (and published on) The Money Principle the following:
How do you feel about Christmas? – 1304
Four reasons why freelancing leaves me lukewarm – 1286
Loyalty or good rate home insurance – 768
Should we sell our car? – 801
Total 4,159
Not quite 5,000 but a lot of words nevertheless.
9:27 am December 15, 2012
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
Another week down. I've been noticing that my stamina has been flagging on Edward Antrobus. The first two posts of the week weren't that much longer that what I was writing before the challenge. I tried to make up for it by publishing my second longest post ever for the site I wanted to make it a list of 10, but I ran out of ideas.
I've been trending upward in traffic since the beginning of the challenge, but I'm still not recovered from before the domain switch. I also have no way of knowing what part of the increasing traffic is from the content and what part is from a more google-friendly domain.
SEAM Publishing has been benefiting from actually getting new content for the first time in months and traffic is up 5X (from 5 weekly visits to 25).
Traffic for If You Can Read, You Can Cook has been rather flat and still its annual end-of-the-year doldrums. It's actually rather frustrating; I saw tremendous growth over the first half of the year, leveled off, tanked, and leveled off again. Not a single change in traffic correlates to anything I've done. Writing longer posts, joining more social media and recipe aggregator sites, reducing page load time, accepting guest post, no longer accepting mediocre guest posts. I've done all of this and it doesn't seem to make and difference.
But now for the main event:
If You Can Read, You Can Cook:
12/9 Corn Pudding: Recipe Sunday – 337 words
12/20 How to Soak Large Items: Tips & Tricks – 542 words
subtotal: 879 words
Edward Antrobus
12/10 3 Frugal Tips for Preparing Your Home for a Showing – 747 words
12/12 Bad Behaviors at a Company Holiday Party – 826 words
12/14 7 Ways to Stay Warm in the Winter for Cheap – 1582 words
subtotal: 3155 words
SEAM Publishing
12/15 How to Get Published on Barnes & Noble PubIt! 1300 words
subtotal: 1300 words
total: 5334 words
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
4:35 pm December 15, 2012
| Pauline
| | |
| Member | posts 274 | 
I'm in!
Week 1:
Little house in Guatemala, week 6 – 824
How I helped my handyman get into debt – 996
Can cheap labor make you lazy – 825
Friday recap – 948
The zero food waste challenge @ add vodka – 1193
Kill your debt faster, how to make extra money while working a full time job @young adult money – 855
Total 5641
Next week I have one guest post so will publish only four posts on my blog and one for another one, so not sure I'll get there!
6:03 pm December 15, 2012
| Financial Samurai
| | |
| Admin
| posts 1803 | 
Week 5 Update 12/15/12
Financial Samurai
Desire Is The Cause Of Suffering (Photo Essay), 12/9/12, 515 words
How To Get Laid Off: Introducing The "It's Not You It's Me But It's Really You" Strategy, 12/104/12, 1,400 words
Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Financial Advisor, 12/11/12, 1,638
How Tax Collectors Like The IRS Cleverly Rob You Of Your Money, 12/14/12, 1,593 words
Sub Total: 5,146
Why Don't We Think BIGGER Online?, 12/10/12, 895 words
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs – Yay Or Nay?, 12/11/12, 1305 words
The Main Reasons Why Businesses Fail, 12/13/12, 1159 words
Tips On Dealing With Depression, 12/8/12, 1,545 words
Total: 10,050
* Covering for Sydney while she is away.
* Enjoy writing once a week about online business/blogging.
* Considering doing more short and sweet photo essay type posts since I take so many photos.
* December revenue wise is turning out to be very strong due to posting schedule. Would probably drop MoM otherwise.
Financial Samurai - Helping you achieve financial freedom sooner, rather than later.
Yakezie Network Founder
10:02 pm December 15, 2012
| FI Fighter
| | |
| Member | posts 53 | 
Week 5 check in:
12/11 Dividend Growth Investing and the Fiscal Cliff (1638 words)
12/13 Part 2: The Secret Recipe for Retiring Early (Using the Stock Market) (1406 words)
12/15 Lifestyle Deflation (2402 words)
Total: 5446 words
Not many posts this week, just 3. However, each post was over 1000 words. Writing a lengthy post usually takes me a few days, so it's difficult for me to publish everyday. For next week, I'm thinking about mixing it up and writing shorter posts, and publishing more frequently. Maybe 5-6 articles. Change is good 
10:43 am December 16, 2012
| Gen Y Finance Journey
| | |
| Member | posts 69 | |
Week 5
I didn't quite make it this week.
Gen Y Finance Journey
Financial Lessons From My Fiance, 12/10/12 – 1042 words
Products For Lazy People, 12/12/12 – 833 words
If You're Broke, Act Like It, 12/14/12 – 1415 words
Guest Post
6 Ways to Succeed at Your First Job, 12/10/12 – 1339 words
Total: 4629 words
7:48 pm December 16, 2012
| Elle
| | Raleigh, NC | |
| Member | posts 199 | 
Ok, I'm feeling much better about this week.
Week 5 Update 12/16/12
Couple Money
- Giving More in 2013 – 545 words
- Should You Fly or Drive For Your Next Trip? – 902
- Weekly Review with Commentary – 525 words
Total: 1972
- End of Year Tax Tip – 389 words
My Financial Reviews
- If I Had a Million Dollars … - 569 words
- What is Credit Counseling? – 562 words
Using Annuities for Your Retirement – 486 words
- Is a Frugal Lifestyle for You? -1052 words
Total 2669
Grand Total 5,030
I was disappointed with myself about last week, so I had to make sure I made the goal this week.
9:53 pm December 16, 2012
| martin
| | |
| Member | posts 199 | |
Week 5 update.
How are you blowing small fortune? 12/1-, 737
Don't wait for Santa 12/11, 562
Savings account 12/12, 523
Spending problem 12/14, 975
=2,797. Need to hit 5,000 on Studenomics next week.
How to get a writing gig @ SFN, 658
Truth about Twitter @ TFB, 874
Just one more dollar @ GPT, 588
= 2,120.
Grand total= 4,917.
The good news is that I pumped out a few guest pieces that should go live soon. I also wrote in advance. I didn't publish two pieces on SFN though. Also looking at adding a new niche to keep things interesting.
10:11 pm December 16, 2012
| savingadvice
| | |
| Member | posts 100 | 
Post edited 10:16 pm – December 16, 2012 by savingadvice
I decided to begin a challenge for next year which should give me plenty to write about on my main blog and spent most of my time starting to get the foundation for that challenge set for when the New Year comes:
Week 5 12/9 – 12/15
"Living Well on Minimum Wage Challenge" 12/9/12 664 words
"Preliminary Basic Budget Minimum Wage Challenge" 12/10/12 1107 words
"Renting or Homeless? Minimum Wage Challenge" 12/11/12 1539 words
"Car or Carless: Minimum Wage Challenge" 12/15/12 1867 words
"10 Places You're Likely to Find Timeshares" 12/14/12 878 words
Total Words Week Five: 6055
5:27 pm December 17, 2012
| | |
| Member | posts 407 | 
Last week:
Monday – 611
Wednesday – 957
Friday – 444
Sunday – 997
Total – 3009
Getting closer. Finally broke the 3,000 mark. I'm still aiming for 3,500, because I know that will keep me motivated.
7:43 pm December 20, 2012
| | The Intersection of Politics, Economics and Personal Finance. | |
| Moderator
| posts 361 | 
As a curious observer: has anyone tried to do a 5,000 word post yet?
9:47 pm December 20, 2012
| Edward Antrobus
| | Fort Collins, CO | |
| Member
| posts 1008 | 
A 5000 word post? That's a short ebook!
I'm looking for editors, beta-readers, and some demographic research for my upcoming novel, Once Upon a Saturn Moon. If you like reading soft sci-fi thrillers, maybe with a touch of romance thrown in, you can find more information at…..aturn-moon
If You Can Read, You Can Cook – | Think you can't cook? If you can read this sentence, then you can.
SEAM Publishing – | eBook formatting and publishing service
4:44 am December 21, 2012
| MoneyBeagle
| | |
| Member
| posts 1466 | 
I wrote a very theraputic post about an awful job I had in the past, and it was so long that I split it into three. I don't think it would have totaled 5,000 words even put together, but it would have been way longer than I would have expected any reader to get through.
7:25 am December 21, 2012
| Pauline
| | |
| Member | posts 274 | 
I would break a 5000 word post into a series of at least 3 posts. Unless you don't care if people only screen through it.
Here is my recap for week 2
What to do if there isn't enough money? – 711
Little house in Guatemala, week 7 – 1047
How much do you spend on gifts? – 967
Friday recap – 711
Relocating abroad: the real price to pay @clubthrifty – 805
Total 4241
Having a guest post on Wednesday reduced my word count, but I have written a post that hasn't been published
yet for another blog, that would have made me reach 5K.