Category Archive for Blogging | - Part 8

The Best Way To Deal With Comment Spam And Impersonators

by in Lifestyle on Feb 9th, 2014
The Best Way To Deal With Comment Spam And Impersonators Thumbnail

Spammers are annoying, but thanks to technology we’ve got great tools like Akismet to keep most of them at bay. Furthermore, I’ve realized spammers can be a great way to earn passive income! From a spammer’s point of view, if they can send out 1 million spam messages and just get 1% to go through […]

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What’s The Best Compliment You’ve Ever Received As A Blogger?

by in Lifestyle on Feb 3rd, 2014
What’s The Best Compliment You’ve Ever Received As A Blogger? Thumbnail

Blogging can sometimes be a real chore if you’re focused too much on the metrics and dollar signs. I did my best to ignore everything from Google Analytics to my Paypal account for the first two years until I finally had to start paying closer attention when I started planning to leave my job in […]

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New Ridiculous Link Building Strategy To Boost Your SEO Rankings

by in Lifestyle on Jan 28th, 2014
New Ridiculous Link Building Strategy To Boost Your SEO Rankings Thumbnail

Over the past five years, I’ve thought little about building links to Financial Samurai. I couldn’t be bothered after I got rejected from my first blog carnival in 2009. I was bummed because I knew I had written a good article, but it was clear the carnival host had her own little clique and based […]

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Google Penguin Update Or Normal New Year Seasonality?

by in Lifestyle on Jan 16th, 2014
Google Penguin Update Or Normal New Year Seasonality? Thumbnail

There’s been a lot of chatter in Webmaster forums that Google must have unleashed a new search algorithm update in the first half of January. But as many of us know, the first quarter of the year is seasonally a strong quarter as new year’s resolutions are made and people are reinvigorated with hope until […]

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What’s Been Your Biggest Motivation Not To Quit All Year?

by in Lifestyle on Jan 6th, 2014

I’ve got a problem that perhaps many of you share: the lack of motivation to give things my best day in and day out. This devil on my shoulder always likes to whisper, “Good enough is good enough!” “The world isn’t going to end if you don’t publish 3-4 post a week.” At least three […]

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New Year Blogging Check List

by in Lifestyle on Dec 30th, 2013
New Year Blogging Check List Thumbnail

With the stock market and real estate markets rebounding, employment levels rising, and more people turning to blogs for information and entertainment, I hope many of you had a fortuitous 2013! I’m publishing my personal year in review this week and just finished curating the top posts on Financial Samurai for 2013. It’s pretty neat […]

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Keep Things Short And Simple In Video Promotion – Sponsored Video

by in Lifestyle on Dec 13th, 2013
Keep Things Short And Simple In Video Promotion – Sponsored Video Thumbnail

We’ve written a lot in the past about the importance of writing meaty content with a personal angle if we want to do well in search. Search traffic is 100% passive and the best type of traffic for monetization purposes. Longer articles do better in search because length is generally correlated with quality. The idea […]

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Fine Tune Your Blog For Maximum Results

by in Lifestyle on Nov 29th, 2013

Fine tune your blog: missions and writing styles Author’s bio: Maria Nedeva is the blogger behind The Money Principle: a personal finance blog that will ‘make your head hurt and your wallet sing’. There she writes about money management, wealth and the changing rules of money.  There is no point beating around the bush: we […]

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  • Untemplater: Congrats on getting so many consecutive features on Google News! That’s phenomenal! Writing on...
  • Untemplater: You nailed it. I also believe great marketing is very helpful in the beginning but it’s really...
  • Jamie: Awesome insights thanks! I’ve been a big fan of Sam’s for years. Really exciting that he’s...
  • Untemplater: There are so many overpriced ecourses online it’s crazy. They use very aggressive marketing tactics to...
  • Andy: Thousand-dollar e-courses are a total scam. You can learn everything online for free. Shame on people who sell...
  • Untemplater: There are a lot of bloggers out there who focus on small stuff like should you or should you not spend...
  • Derek: It’s fascinating how some bloggers continue to just mindlessly pump out affiliate content. It’s clear they are...
  • Untemplater: Lots of valid points! So true that bloggers are a minority of overall readership, so blogging to much...
  • Bingo: You are spot on. Most of our bloggers are white people living on the coasts, where half the population of...
  • Financial Samurai: Hi Jim – Nice to hear from you. It was too much work running Yakezie. Too many people wanted...

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