Category Archive for Lifestyle | - Part 3

Make It Count When It Counts The Most: The Blogging Slingshot Effect

by in Lifestyle on Dec 15th, 2016
Make It Count When It Counts The Most: The Blogging Slingshot Effect Thumbnail

Happy holidays everyone! It’s easy to get in the mindset of posting less because traffic is lower during the holidays. But I encourage everyone to maintain their normal cadence or even take things up a notch! The first reason to post more when there is less traffic is to counteract less traffic. The main reason […]

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Blogging Just Gets Better And Better Over Time

by in Lifestyle on Aug 18th, 2016
Blogging Just Gets Better And Better Over Time Thumbnail

When you first begin, blogging is like fishing off a canoe in the middle of a tranquil lake. Most of the time, nothing happens. You’ll just feel some little nibbles here and there. But fish long enough and you might catch something big enough to eat. I’m envious of all you new bloggers. Every post […]

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Post More To Save More Time And Make More Money Online

by in Lifestyle on Mar 9th, 2016
Post More To Save More Time And Make More Money Online Thumbnail

One of the downfalls of writing meatier content online is that more readers aren’t able to get through the entire article. Everybody has ADHD nowadays thanks to the internet. Due to a lack of reader thoroughness, readers will increase their tendency to ask questions to answers that are already in the article. It’s a maddening […]

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Make More Money Online By Creating Defensive Income Streams

by in Lifestyle on Feb 12th, 2016
Defensive Online Income

With the downturn in the stock market, interest in financial products as measured by click through rates have declined. Why would anybody want to sign up for a robo-advisor now when there’s a higher chance of losing money? We all know we should continue to dollar cost average in a downturn, but at the margin, more […]

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Inside Information On How To Make Money Blogging About How To Make Money Blogging

by in Lifestyle on Jan 14th, 2016
How are bloggers doing during the coronavirus bear market

After seven years of blogging, I’ve decided to finally focus some energy writing about how to make money blogging. My online income is now greater than my passive income, which took 15 years to build. Meanwhile, 94% of the over 500 voters say they want to learn how to make their own money-making website in my latest poll. […]

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How To Get More Comments To Your Posts

by in Lifestyle on Dec 29th, 2015
How To Get More Comments To Your Posts Thumbnail

I’ve noticed something quite peculiar. Despite my blog’s traffic up more than 10X in the past five years, the number of comments per post have declined. I used to regularly produce posts that would regularly get over 100 comments during my earlier years. Nowadays, not so much. To figure out what went “wrong,” I did […]

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Take Advantage Of The Opportunity That Smacks You In The Face Every Day

by in Lifestyle on Dec 3rd, 2015
Take Advantage Of The Opportunity That Smacks You In The Face Every Day Thumbnail

In 2008, I was just another fan of personal finance blogs. I loved following people’s journeys to achieving a particular net worth goal or paying down boatloads of debt they mistakenly gotten themselves into. Then shit really started hitting the fan in 2009 as the economy collapsed thanks to folks over leveraging themselves in the […]

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How To Find Your Niche In The Vast Caverns Of The Internet

by in Lifestyle on Oct 12th, 2015

Blogging reminds me a bit like cave exploration. Both were once unusual hobbies but have been gaining popularity amongst all sorts of people. Neither requires a lot of equipment or experience to get started. Plus, both blogging and cave exploring take creativity, organization and perseverance to be successful. Finally, perhaps most importantly, both involve finding […]

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  • Untemplater: Congrats on getting so many consecutive features on Google News! That’s phenomenal! Writing on...
  • Untemplater: You nailed it. I also believe great marketing is very helpful in the beginning but it’s really...
  • Jamie: Awesome insights thanks! I’ve been a big fan of Sam’s for years. Really exciting that he’s...
  • Untemplater: There are so many overpriced ecourses online it’s crazy. They use very aggressive marketing tactics to...
  • Andy: Thousand-dollar e-courses are a total scam. You can learn everything online for free. Shame on people who sell...
  • Untemplater: There are a lot of bloggers out there who focus on small stuff like should you or should you not spend...
  • Derek: It’s fascinating how some bloggers continue to just mindlessly pump out affiliate content. It’s clear they are...
  • Untemplater: Lots of valid points! So true that bloggers are a minority of overall readership, so blogging to much...
  • Bingo: You are spot on. Most of our bloggers are white people living on the coasts, where half the population of...
  • Financial Samurai: Hi Jim – Nice to hear from you. It was too much work running Yakezie. Too many people wanted...

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