If you want to make more money online you need to focus more on the basics. Make things as simple to read as possible. Further, make things as easy to do as possible.
I know a personal finance blogger who makes over $500,000 a year. He’s been making multiple six figures for over seven years now. Not bad right?!
It’s true. Bloggers make a lot more money than many people think. It’s incredible how much money so many people are making online these days.
The reason why he’s able to make so much money online is because his advice is easy to follow.
Make More Money Online With Simplicity
If you want to make more money online like my friend, focus on simplicity.
For example, he talks about frugal living and “living intentionally.” He focuses on all the easy stuff his readers can do to save money. Examples include:
- Riding a bicycle, taking the bus, or walking
- Clipping coupons
- Increasing savings rate
- Moving to a lower-cost area of the country
- Living in a studio
- Planting your own food and cooking your own meals
- DIY home improvement work
All these things are easy to understand and easy to do. As a result, he’s been able to attract a much larger reader base. The reader base then act as evangelists by sharing his easy recommendations with their friends.
Even though he makes over $500,000 a year and lives a luxurious life, he keeps things stealth wealth. He stays on brand and presents an image of ultra frugality so as to not alienate his readers.
How To Not Make More Money Online
Conversely, if you don’t want to make more money online, focus on hard things. The harder the subject, the less people will read and share your work.
There’s a reason why it’s important to write in clear and concise language. Going above 8th grade reading with fancy SAT words is not recommended.
Here are some examples of harder subjects that do not resonate well with readers. The posts are long and the logic can be hard to follow.
If a reader can’t understand what you are saying, there’s also a greater chance they will get angry at you.
I’ve gotten mud slung at me with these posts. You can’t read the worst comments because they simply were not approved.
People trying to retire early hate my first post, despite all the logic. Renters in the U.S. and Canada hate my second post because it argues real estate prices will likely continue going up.
Strategically, I need to write more posts about how people don’t have to worry about their retirement. Saving less money is OK. This will help reduce anxiety and make them feel better about their progress.
I also need to write more posts about why renting is great and how the housing market could potentially crash and burn. People seem to enjoy the suffering of others to get ahead.
Write What People Want To Hear
Not only do you need to write more simply if you want to make more money online, you also need to write more of what people want to hear.
Instead of writing how $10 million is the ideal net worth for retirement, I should lower the bar so more people feel included. After all, more people can save $500,000 to live a Lean FIRE lifestyle versus $5+ million to live a Fat FIRE lifestyle.
Do the math if you want to make more money online.
My problem is that I just can’t help but speak my mind and tell the truth. I’ve already got enough passive retirement income to take care of my family. Therefore, I don’t have an intense craving to make more money online.
I like making money online. Don’t get me wrong. But I’m not obsessed with it to the point where I’m writing affiliate posts all day long. I just enjoy writing and thinking through interesting topics.
Think Long Term
But if I’m going to keep Financial Samurai going for another 20 years, I’ve got to think more strategically about the content I write.
I need to write more about what people want to hear, not an uncomfortable truth. My $500,000+ a year blogger friend who tells his readers not to worry about making more money is a genius.
If you want to make more money online, focus on the basics. Simple writing. Easy recommendations. Words that make readers feel good. People dislike hard and people who are doing things they can’t.