Tag Archive for Entrepreneur | Yakezie.com

How To Get Articles Featured In Google News

by in Lifestyle on Feb 26th, 2023
How To Get Articles Featured In Google News Thumbnail

Something interesting happened recently. Three consecutive articles on Financial Samurai got featured in Google News. They are: 2023 Tax Brackets: Best Income To Live Your Best Life Why You Won’t Regret Buying Treasury Bonds Yielding 5%+ Only The Rich Or Fools Buy New Cars Google News helped boost traffic to Financial Samurai by over 100,000 […]

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2022 Blogging Year In Review

by in Lifestyle on Jan 1st, 2023
2022 Blogging Year In Review Thumbnail

2022 was another good year for blogging. Yakezie continues to generate between $500 – $1,000 a month passively for over 10 years now. It’s not a ton of money, but it’s better than a poke in the eye! After 13 years of blogging, I still think blogging is the wild Wild West. No expertise or […]

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Platform Size Is More Important Than Quality For Online Success

by in Lifestyle on Dec 10th, 2022
Platform Size Is More Important Than Quality For Online Success

Quality is overrated when it comes to making money online or writing a bestselling book. Instead, growing your platform size (your website and social media presence) as large as possible is the most important criteria. We all know that bloggers can make a lot of money online. But after blogging consistently since 2009, there’s been […]

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Are E-Courses A Scam? Be Careful Paying Lots Of Money For Online Courses

by in Lifestyle on Mar 10th, 2022
Are E-Courses A Scam? Be Careful Paying Lots Of Money For Online Courses Thumbnail

Given everything can now be learned online for free, are e-courses a scam? Depending on the price and the quality of the content, I say yes. As content creators, one of the ways to make lots of money online is by offering an e-course. However, what if you are charging $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $5,000 for […]

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Make More Money Online By Making Things Easy For Your Readers

by in Lifestyle on Aug 20th, 2021
Make more money online

If you want to make more money online you need to focus more on the basics. Make things as simple to read as possible. Further, make things as easy to do as possible. I know a personal finance blogger who makes over $500,000 a year. He’s been making multiple six figures for over seven years […]

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Does Expertise, Authority, And Trustworthiness (E-A-T) Really Matter For Google SEO?

by in Lifestyle on Jun 23rd, 2021
Does Expertise, Authority, And Trustworthiness (E-A-T) Really Matter For Google SEO? Thumbnail

Does Google E-A-T really matter? I say it does not.

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How Are Bloggers Doing During The Coronavirus Bear Market?

by in Lifestyle on Apr 4th, 2020
How Are Bloggers Doing During The Coronavirus Bear Market?

Learn how bloggers are doing during the coronavirus bear market

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The Best Way To Grow Your Blog Is To Not Blog About Blogging

by in Personal Finance on Aug 9th, 2019
The Best Way To Grow Your Blog Is To Not Blog About Blogging Thumbnail

During my blogging journey since 2009, many blogs have come and gone. Blogging can be tough because being consistent is tough. But ironically, one of the biggest mistakes I see bloggers make is writing too much about their blogging journey. Unless you are a blog about blogging, readers want to read about everything but blogging. […]

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The Original FIRE Bloggers And The Importance Of Branding

by in Lifestyle on Jun 6th, 2019
The Original FIRE Blogger

When I first helped ignite the modern day FIRE movement in 2009 with my motto, “achieving financial independence sooner rather than later,” I had somewhat of a dilemma as it relates to blogging. Should I focus most of my writing on helping readers achieve FIRE? Or should I write about a variety of topics beyond FIRE […]

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How Bloggers Can Effectively Compete With Giant Media Outlets

by in Lifestyle on Dec 15th, 2018
How Bloggers Can Effectively Compete With Giant Media Outlets Thumbnail

A friend sent me this fascinating article called, How To Earn More Links: Adding Context To Content Analysis. The article goes ahead and analyzes how smaller sites like Financial Samurai can compete with larger sites like CNBC, CNN Money, and the New York Times in personal finance related topics. The first thing they did was […]

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The FIRE Movement Is Missing The Numbers

by in Personal Finance on Oct 14th, 2018
The Original FIRE Blogger

I’m pretty pumped the FIRE movement is picking up steam as I’ve written about achieving financial independence since 2009 on Financial Samurai. Due to the increase in popularity, several of my old articles are being picked up and are being read via search engines again. Major media outlets have e-mailed to republish some of those […]

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Why It’s Worth Starting A Podcast Even If You Aren’t Very Good

by in Lifestyle on Sep 18th, 2018
Financial Samurai podcast

Why it’s worth starting a podcast even if you aren’t very good.

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Finally Updated To HTTPS: Key Things To Be Aware Of

by in Lifestyle on Aug 30th, 2017
Finally Updated To HTTPS: Key Things To Be Aware Of Thumbnail

On January 17, 2017, I published that I was delaying updating Financial Samurai to HTTPS. The reasons were simple: 1) I wanted to give my webmaster more time to gain experience doing the conversion to minimize screwups 2) My CPC ad provider wasn’t ready for the switch and said advertising revenue would go down ~60% […]

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Blogging Is Like Fishing: You Never Know What You’re Going To Catch

by in Lifestyle on May 2nd, 2017
Blogging Is Like Fishing: You Never Know What You're Going To Catch

One of the things that helps keep me writing 3X a week for the past eight years is a simple visualization exercise. I imagine sitting at the edge of a cliff on a warm sunny day. I can see an island 80 miles in the distance because the air is crystal clear. In my hand is a […]

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Why I’m Delaying Upgrading To HTTPS / SSL

by in Lifestyle on Jan 17th, 2017
Why I’m Delaying Upgrading To HTTPS / SSL Thumbnail

Google and the SEO community have been encouraging website owners to convert from HTTP to HTTPS since 2014. The idea is to create a more secure internet so that hackers can’t steal passwords and information that users input online. It’s a good idea, but it’s not a thoroughly flushed out idea. As a result, it’s always […]

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Blogging Just Gets Better And Better Over Time

by in Lifestyle on Aug 18th, 2016
Blogging Just Gets Better And Better Over Time Thumbnail

When you first begin, blogging is like fishing off a canoe in the middle of a tranquil lake. Most of the time, nothing happens. You’ll just feel some little nibbles here and there. But fish long enough and you might catch something big enough to eat. I’m envious of all you new bloggers. Every post […]

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Are Your Income Streams Diverse Enough To Make A Sustainable Income Online?

by in Featured on Jun 6th, 2016
Are Your Income Streams Diverse Enough To Make A Sustainable Income Online? Thumbnail

Nothing is certain in the online world because new technologies and trends pop up all the time. Given we’re still in the early period of the Internet, it’s important to have as many different revenue streams as possible. We know that CPC advertising (Google Adsense, Media.net, Lijit Networks, etc) is currently being assaulted by ad blockers. […]

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Post More To Save More Time And Make More Money Online

by in Lifestyle on Mar 9th, 2016
Post More To Save More Time And Make More Money Online Thumbnail

One of the downfalls of writing meatier content online is that more readers aren’t able to get through the entire article. Everybody has ADHD nowadays thanks to the internet. Due to a lack of reader thoroughness, readers will increase their tendency to ask questions to answers that are already in the article. It’s a maddening […]

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Make More Money Online By Creating Defensive Income Streams

by in Lifestyle on Feb 12th, 2016
Defensive Online Income

With the downturn in the stock market, interest in financial products as measured by click through rates have declined. Why would anybody want to sign up for a robo-advisor now when there’s a higher chance of losing money? We all know we should continue to dollar cost average in a downturn, but at the margin, more […]

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Inside Information On How To Make Money Blogging About How To Make Money Blogging

by in Lifestyle on Jan 14th, 2016
How are bloggers doing during the coronavirus bear market

After seven years of blogging, I’ve decided to finally focus some energy writing about how to make money blogging. My online income is now greater than my passive income, which took 15 years to build. Meanwhile, 94% of the over 500 voters say they want to learn how to make their own money-making website in my latest poll. […]

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How To Get More Comments To Your Posts

by in Lifestyle on Dec 29th, 2015
How To Get More Comments To Your Posts Thumbnail

I’ve noticed something quite peculiar. Despite my blog’s traffic up more than 10X in the past five years, the number of comments per post have declined. I used to regularly produce posts that would regularly get over 100 comments during my earlier years. Nowadays, not so much. To figure out what went “wrong,” I did […]

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Take Advantage Of The Opportunity That Smacks You In The Face Every Day

by in Lifestyle on Dec 3rd, 2015
Take Advantage Of The Opportunity That Smacks You In The Face Every Day Thumbnail

In 2008, I was just another fan of personal finance blogs. I loved following people’s journeys to achieving a particular net worth goal or paying down boatloads of debt they mistakenly gotten themselves into. Then shit really started hitting the fan in 2009 as the economy collapsed thanks to folks over leveraging themselves in the […]

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Blogging Away The Income Gap For Financial Freedom

by in Personal Finance on Nov 16th, 2015
Peace for Paris Yakezie

The great thing about a blog is that it’s always on. Unlike most of us, who run out of energy after 12 hours of work, a blog can keep working for us 24/7, 365 days of the year if our hosting company doesn’t crash! Good thing the data shows most sites are up 99%+ of […]

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Why Bloggers Still Don’t Get Much Respect

by in Lifestyle on Jul 28th, 2015
Getting Respect

For the past month I’ve been driving for Uber anywhere between 5 – 15 hours a week. It’s been a very insightful experience, learning about the different types of passengers, as well as the reaction I get when I tell them I’m a blogger. I encourage everybody, rich or poor, to work a minimum wage […]

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The Wall Street Journal Layoff Implications For Personal Finance

by in Personal Finance on Jun 19th, 2015
The Wall Street Journal Layoff Implications For Personal Finance Thumbnail

The Wall Street Journal announced on June 18, 2015 that they will be laying off roughly 100 staff and most of their personal finance journalists. The news isn’t a huge shock given Dow Jones’ results were down 11% YoY in the third quarter of 2015. But it was a surprise to see that most of […]

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How To Get Bloggers To Write About Your Company Or Product

by in Lifestyle on May 20th, 2015

The larger your site grows, the more inundated you will get with requests to highlight a product, company, or service. It makes sense given your sphere of influence has grown. And as your sphere of influence grows, so does your revenue. But not everything has to be about making more money online. I write mostly […]

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Feed The Trolls To Grow Your Website’s Traffic, Rank Better In SEO, And Make More Money!

by in Lifestyle on Apr 27th, 2015
Feed The Troll For More Traffic

The larger your website grows, the larger your website will likely continue to grow. It’s a virtuous cycle that makes blogging easier the longer you survive. You just need to get past that first two or three year wasteland, that most all of us go through where we wonder whether it’s all worth it or […]

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Are You Correctly Predicting The Future To Maximize Your Online Revenue?

by in Lifestyle on Apr 16th, 2015

One of the big surprises to come out of blogging was not the realization that I could one day leave my full-time job in finance. That epiphany came when I received an advertising request on my iPhone while chilling at a bar on top of Santorini in the Fall of 2011. The biggest surprise about blogging […]

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How Much Money Do You Need To Make Online To Be Happy?

by in Lifestyle on May 13th, 2013

There are several research studies that point to $75,000 a year where happiness increases no further. The $75,000 is largely derived through day job income given most folks do not have any other income sources. I make an argument that $200,000 is the income level where happiness increases no further due to various tax credit […]

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How To Write The Whale Post And Gain Lots Of Website Traffic

by in Lifestyle on Nov 17th, 2011

One of the reasons why public writing is so addicting is because there’s a chance somebody important out there might read what you’re writing and highlight it to somebody else important.  Your traffic starts to surge and your site might even crash due to server overload.  If this happens, congratulations!  You have found your Whale […]

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If You Want To Get Rich, Stop Messing Around!

If You Want To Get Rich, Stop Messing Around! Thumbnail

After three open houses and a couple hours of analysis, I thought I picked the top 5 rental candidates with the best financial records, but I was wrong.  All was fine until my fourth and last open house when a 28 year old single guy who graduated from CalTech came in and applied.  He is […]

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You Might Be A Blogging Addict If ……

by in Lifestyle on Feb 4th, 2011

I love blogging.  I love blogging so much that sometimes I forget to eat dinner because I’m busy responding to comments, writing posts, and socializing online with friends. If I was a high school student again, I think my parents would worry about my health and offline social life. I can hear my father now, […]

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Blogging Plagiarists, You Better Watch Out!

by in Lifestyle on Jan 8th, 2024
Blogging Plagiarists, You Better Watch Out! Thumbnail

For bloggers engaging in plagiarism, whether through directly copying others or utilizing AI to generate spun content, caution is advised. The recent publicized case of Claudine Gay facing plagiarism accusations has stirred a response from Bill Ackman. Ackman is mobilizing his considerable resources to scrutinize academics at MIT and other institutions for potential plagiarism, employing […]

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Great Marketing Or Great Content: Which Is More Important For A Product’s Success?

by in Featured on Oct 2nd, 2023
Great Marketing or Great Content for a product's success?

Let’s say you’ve got a product. Maybe a new e-course, a personal finance book, or an e-book. Do you think great marketing or great content is more important to make your product sell? For background on the great marketing or great content debate, I have been blogging on Financial Samurai since 2009. The site consistently […]

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Buy This Not That Book Review

by in Featured on Jun 8th, 2022
Buy This Not That book review

Hi everyone, Sydney from Untemplater here. I was lucky to get my hands on an early release copy of Sam Dogen’s upcoming new book Buy This, Not That. And I’m thrilled to give you a sneak peak into what the book is all about. Let’s dive in shall we?! Overview: Buy This, Not That Book […]

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  • Untemplater: Congrats on getting so many consecutive features on Google News! That’s phenomenal! Writing on...
  • Untemplater: You nailed it. I also believe great marketing is very helpful in the beginning but it’s really...
  • Jamie: Awesome insights thanks! I’ve been a big fan of Sam’s for years. Really exciting that he’s...
  • Untemplater: There are so many overpriced ecourses online it’s crazy. They use very aggressive marketing tactics to...
  • Andy: Thousand-dollar e-courses are a total scam. You can learn everything online for free. Shame on people who sell...
  • Untemplater: There are a lot of bloggers out there who focus on small stuff like should you or should you not spend...
  • Derek: It’s fascinating how some bloggers continue to just mindlessly pump out affiliate content. It’s clear they are...
  • Untemplater: Lots of valid points! So true that bloggers are a minority of overall readership, so blogging to much...
  • Bingo: You are spot on. Most of our bloggers are white people living on the coasts, where half the population of...
  • Financial Samurai: Hi Jim – Nice to hear from you. It was too much work running Yakezie. Too many people wanted...

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